Monday, March 5, 2012

Virgo Full Moon 3/8~ Critic, Addict or Healer

Virgo Full Moon~ Critic, Addict or Healer

How are you feeling? As the Pisces cycle reaches it's climax, this is a great week to tune back in to dreams, emotions and receptivity. The full moon is highly charged and makes us extremely sensitive, because the earth is getting the total reflection of the sun. It serves as a magnifying glass, or one of those cosmetic mirrors with the lights that shows every little detail in your face, which can be a little confronting.

The full moon is also always in the opposing sign of the current cycle, so while Pisces is still "swimming" the show, we now have Pisces astrological partner, Virgo, highlighting either the intentions that are serving and culminating or those we should release.

Pisces and Virgo are both "mutable" signs and mutable energy is transforming, adapting or dissolving. In Pisces we see that quality in our emotions, whereas in Virgo, being earth, we see it in the physical. In Pisces it comes out as dreaming, intuiting empathy, or as the shadow of deluded, oversensitive codependance. In Virgo, mutability manifests as healing, cleansing compassion or critical, judgemental addiction.

Those qualities may seem pretty extreme, as do the labels of "Critic, Addict or Healer" but remember, the full moon is enhancing energies that are normally pretty subtle. Virgo is certainly not the only sign connected to healing and addiction, but it is highlighted in this realm.

Mutable earth is a hard nature to describe. Earth seems so much more concrete in the mountain of Capricorn or the tree roots of Taurus. I struggle to find the most appropriate, tangible image for Virgo, but a really close one is the human body. While our bodies are made of all elements, these bones, muscles, bands, skin and organs have an earthy sensation; and we are constantly transforming, dissolving and changing in these forms.

If we are intently focused on the mutable nature of earth, we often see it manifest in the following ways:
1. The critic: Our body is never good enough, nor is our home, job or anyone else. We only see what is wrong and are constantly trying to "fix" it from the outside. We want things to "look" perfect.
2. The addict: Often if we feel not good enough, or have been told that, we start trying to dissolve this form by filling it with another physical substance, which can be drugs, alcohol, food, sex, clothing, other people, etc; anything that makes us feel more comfortable and whole in our skin, or makes us feel like we are out of our bodies for a while. Once either of those states are experienced, we want it all the time.
3. The healer: We recognize there is change occurring, often uncomfortable, but we also see an opportunity to adapt to the change versus fixing or denying. Rather than being defined by the outer appearance, we see it as a gateway to transformation. We go with the flow of the form, which guides us in making the appropriate change. Within the movement, we experience true healing and freedom.

Again, these are very specific archetypes not limited to Virgo alone. Most of us experience some level of criticism, addiction and healing throughout our lives; but as this full moon is in Virgo, and these are her more potent qualities, we are getting a magnified look at our tendencies and the chance to make change.

It can be very healing simply to bring the emotional, intuitive essence of Pisces into the body right now, especially if you have been feeling disconnected and out to sea the last couple of weeks. But I do encourage you to take advantage of the healing potential in the next few days. Examine your own relationships with Virgo's archetypes, sit under the moon, let her light fill your mutable human form and support you in developing a sweeter relationship to your flesh. Try getting a massage, seeing the acupuncturist, chiropractor, energy worker or explore practices like Yoga, Tai Chi and Qi Gong.

The Vernal equinox is right around the corner (Monday 3/19) and our intentions around this full moon, as well as the following waning cycle, will initiate our spring blossoming and summer fruition. If we can let Pisces guide us in cleansing emotionally, connecting more deeply to our dreams, and allow Virgo to bring us into right relationship with our bodies and physical connections, we can greet the fiery Aries cycle that heralds Spring with a healthy, fertile space to hold the power of manifestation.

Take care of yourself, each other and the earth.

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