Sunday, December 18, 2011

Capricorn New Moon~ Building the Foundation

Capricorn New Moon~ Building the Foundation

I am greeting the last week of the Sagittarius cycle with an irritating cold. It seems appropriate, really, as I spent the majority of the cycle that favors expansion and freedom feeling contraction and limitation. Much of this was due to the intensity of lunar and solar eclipses as well as the added lessons of Mercury retrograding in the same signs. As an astrologer I read yesterday said, we were so busy dealing with these alternate energies that we could not put our complete focus into the intention of the cycle.

But I trust there are no mistakes in the cosmic space. As often as I cannot possibly fathom why things happen, I always have to come back to a truth I feel in my gut. That truth is we are finite. Finite, human, fragile and almost incapable of grasping the enormity of the universe. Sagittarius is one of the signs that tries to raise our awareness, get us thinking bigger and brighter, but even the fires of spirit can only blaze so high in these little human bodies. We cannot ever comprehend the infinite possibilities and size of the universe.

Heaven knows we try! This month with so much powerful mental and spiritual energy we were trying, trying desperately to inspire transformations... and since the eclipses are felt for at least 6 months, some of those changes will come to fruition in 2012. But now it is time to turn our attention back to our humanness, to welcome the winter season by invoking the Capricorn cycle and getting back to work in the limitations of the physical realm.

Capricorn is cardinal earth. Cardinal energy is the initiator and earth energy is focused on form: body, home, work, family, manifestation. Last month we were completely caught in the adapting, changing, transforming, mutable energies of spirit and mind. Perhaps you felt like your head might explode or that your body just can't handle all the shifts moving through the ethers. That is the reason I love astrology, just when I can't bear another "spiritual experience", the most stabilizing force on the planet claims the moon light.

I grow to appreciate Capricorn more and more as the years go by. When I was younger, I felt simply bewildered by this sign's focus on the material. Creating structure, routine, schedule and building the most effective foundations on which most anything will thrive successfully. Capricorn is the mountain goat, who sees a huge winding mountain and without a thought, ignores the longer, easier side trail and climbs right up the middle to the top. This sign initiates physical manifestation and generally thrives in any terrain you put in front of her. She accepts the challenge, works hard, knows how to manage her time and is generally victorious in her endeavors.

Part of her confidence is that she understands the restrictions of earth. It might seem miraculous that she can climb that mountain, but her ability to discern where she can step is what makes that climb possible, rather than just a blind faith that she will make it. It is the experience of putting one foot in front of the other, taking a single step at a time and really comprehending the weight and ability of the form that enables her success. If you know many mountain climbers, they will tell you it takes incredible strength, knowledge and practice to scale a summit.

I need that initiative right now. My spirit and mind worked overtime last month and it is the body that feels the effect. The body is the vessel in which spirit, emotions and thought survive. If the vessel is weak, it is hard to rise to the tasks suggested by the other energies.

I can just see Capricorn standing in my doorway this weekend, eyeing me with her cool gaze that can immediately assess that I haven't changed my clothes in 2 days, washed my hair or even shaved my legs in a few weeks. My nails are bitten to nothing and I have been been pretty much ignoring my physical appearance. Laundry needs to be done and the house overall needs some attention. She steps forward, dressed stylishly, but conservatively, not a hair out of place. Jewelry placed and matched perfectly, seemingly effortlessly, as few know how hard she actually works.

I hear her voice, grounded and confident, as she hands me a cup of strong herbal tea and says "You can do this for another day or two. I know you have been struggling. But we have a busy week and you need to show up for it. Another day, and then it is action time. Clean the house, clean yourself. Take pride in your appearance and get back to work. Winter solstice is this week and while I won't begrudge you some time alone in the dark, if you want that light to return, you need to give it a form worth coming back to."

I groan and roll over, pulling the pillow back over my head, welcoming the darkness. She doesn't get angry, she sits beside me, strokes my hand. Her own hand is firm and strong, but still well manicured and soft. "I will stay with you. I will help you. I can pick out your clothes, do your make-up and organize your schedule. This is a big year and winter is the most important season for setting the foundation. I need you to climb these mountains with me and continue to work towards your dreams. This is my time, though all time is my time, and I can show you how to use your time efficiently and powerfully. Just ask for my help, and I am here, I will show you the middle path and together we can manifest anything."

Now I sigh, but I look into her eyes, grey and wise like the tops of ancient mountains. She is the mother of time, ruled by Saturn, one of bigger outer planets that demands we walk the right path and is associated with taking responsibility and the limits of time and matter. She knows the restrictions, but in that knowledge, she also knows exactly how to help us grow within our own boundaries. I understand that this is the year I need her most. I smile wearily and say "Okay. I am with you. I want your help. Please stay with me."

She smiles back, her hand now at my forehead, "I will stay. Now you can go back to sleep and I will be waiting for you to start our work."

Take time to honor the darkness, celebrate the solstice. Rest as much as you need to, but set a limit. The solstice is Wednesday and the new moon is Saturday (which also falls on Christmas eve) The holidays alone can distract us and keep us lethargic. We are gathering on Monday to set intentions, but even if you cannot join, us, perhaps Monday will be a good day for you to start welcoming the Capricorn tasks. Start by cleaning up the vessel, looking the part of the life you want to create. Start to consider your foundation of 2012, what kind of year you want. Get your new calendars, datebooks and start organizing your schedule. Meditate on the mountain top and ask Capricorn to guide you in initiating the foundation. Remember that Capricorn is a realistic task-master and if it feels she is not supporting you in one endeavor, perhaps she is trying to put your focus elsewhere. Welcome her wisdom, her experience and trust that she knows how you need to grow.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sagittarius New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse~ Balancing Spirit

Thanksgiving day is usually filled with family, food, tradition and all the things that come along with them. That can include: traveling, shopping, prepping, driving, cooking, eating, drinking, fussing, fighting, laughing, crying, glutton, excess, pleasure, pain, cleaning and I am sure you can each personally add a few more.
All of this is intensified by both the Sagittarius new moon & a partial solar eclipse that occur on Thursday November 24th.
I am still trying to find the earth from the emotional, watery depths of the Scorpio cycle, even after the grounding Taurus full moon last week. But earth is not the element inviting us into the next month; it is the beckoning of mutable fire that claims the twenty-eight days ahead.
The Sagittarus cycle is normally quite welcome, especially in the holiday season. Sag is the centaur, gypsy, philosopher and story-teller. The energy is gregarious, voracious, social and hard to keep still. It's kinda like being hauled out of a deep, dark well (Scorpio) that you have been sitting in for a month and being plopped in front of a giant bonfire with a cup of tea and a camp full of gypsies, singing, laughing, telling stories. It can be a relief, but also a pretty extreme change of scenery.
An eclipse intensifies whatever sign it falls on, and solar eclipses intensify the outer, masculine, active qualities, where lunar amp up the emotional, feminine energies. The eclipse on Thursday is partial solar (not as powerful as total solar) and as the sun and moon will be in Sagittarius, that is a lot of fire energy.
I feel like we are going to want to do one of two things during this new moon.
The first is to completely rebel against all the truth seeking, cleansing and changing Scorpio was demanding and to just hide our heads in too much food, drink, shopping, socializing and playing. I get that, I am tempted to do the same. I am half way through the cleanse I started with the waning cycle and every ounce of me wants to justify ending early and starting to enjoy the pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, cookies and goodies already springing up everywhere. Sag, after all, is the fun loving story teller that can easily make up a really good reason why you have done enough work and should party party party.
OR you may just want to burn out. Scorpio brings up all our deep dark secrets, fears, resentments and with the heightening fire energy, it may feel appropriate to spend Thanksgiving telling your relatives exactly what you think of them or forcing your spouse into discussing every intimate issue you have or any other extreme heated exchange you can come up with. Fire energy is always alchemical, always trans-formative and mutable energy makes it faster, hotter and more changeable. It can be really appealing to want to harness all that hot stuff and just burn those metaphorical bridges, houses and villages to the ground. Because, again, we all are recognizing that we have stuff to work on, things to release, why not just get it over with in a huge blaze of drama and glory?
Naturally, neither of those plans is sustainable. Neither support our overall health or the healing of our communities and countries. Following the moon generally means we are invoking more of those intuitive, nurturing, balancing qualities rather than the linear aggressive desires solar energy creates. We start to sense, based on the movements of moon and earth, that everything is cyclical and gradual changes stand the test of the seasons better than immediate destruction and instant gratification.
The challenge in this cycle is to build a healthy fire and care for it in a good way. Yes, you deserve rest, joy and a full tummy AND yes, you must continue to let go of the things that no longer serve you and work towards the life you want.
Use that visualization this month, if you can. Imagine the fire in your belly, see it being built upon the foundation that supports your dreams, lit by your new intentions and the things that bring you joy and burning through that which you carefully choose to let go of. As you move into celebration, see your fire being tended to by love as well as release. When you feel it getting too high, or dampening, use your breath to come back to center and bring it back to that middle place. The place where it is warm, inviting and likely to last all night.
Perhaps you will spend Thanksgiving somewhere an actual fire can be lit, either candles, fire place or outdoors. Take time to look into the flames and again, use your breath, imagination and intention to clear negative energy or honor positive. Remember that Thanksgiving is ultimately about gratitude. Be grateful for the heat, the ability to make and use fire. Be grateful for the moments you can let worries go and be with loved ones and be grateful for the times you can burn away something you don't need anymore.
Sagittarius can be a mischievous one, but like most gypsies, if you are straight with her about what you need, she will make sure you get exactly the right medicine, be it food, dance, drink, sleep or a good story.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fall Equinox & Libra New Moon

Libra New Moon~ Choosing Harmony~
If you accepted the Virgo invitation from August's new moon, you may have experienced a wide range of weeding, cleansing, clearing, sweating, releasing and transforming your physical world. I clocked more hours of yard and housework time this last month than probably in the last 5 years. It was much needed and worth every drop of sweat and ounce of frustration.
From Mutable Earth, the realm of the healer, we now move to Cardinal Air and the symbolism of the scales. If you really did the deep work Virgo required of you, you let go of a lot and you may still find yourself wanting to "do" more but summer is officially over with Libra's entrance into the sky, and the energy all around is releasing. We must now find the way to balance what we are left with.
The seasonal shifts are instigated by the movement of earth on her axis as she circles the sun, as well as by the movement of zodiac constellations in the sky. When Libra takes center stage, it coincides with the perfect alignment of our planet for 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness (Autumn Equinox), followed by the shift into shorter days and longer nights for our side of the globe. Libra, ruled by the Goddess Venus, and as I mentioned, symbolized by the scales, seeks harmony. As a Cardinal sign, Libra initiates the creativity needed for compromise and balance. As an Air sign, this initiation starts in the mind.
We went camping in the woods this last weekend, a fitting end to the Virgo cycle. As I sat around the campfire with my family, watching the transformation of earth through the burning of wood, my stepson asked me to tell a story. It took me a moment, but as I have Libra rising and Venus ruling my chart, I was quickly nudged to tell my favorite equinox story, a myth that both explained the seasonal change to our ancestors and symbolizes beautifully the act of making choices, compromising, and being in relationship: The myth of Demeter & Persephone~
Demeter is the Goddess of Earth, grain, agriculture and all that grows. She was a great nurturing mama and loved to nurture the whole planet all year long, but especially her daughter, the innocent and beautiful Persephone. Demeter was not the only one to adore her child, the lord of darkness and the underworld, Hades, also had taken an interest. Hades got permission, behind Demeter's back, from the King of Gods, Zeus, to take Persephone as his bride, so one day, when the girl had left her mother's sight to gather flowers, the earth cracked open and Hades dragged her down into the underworld. There was no trace of the abduction and Demeter was devastated. She could not eat, sleep or grow any grain until she found her child. She searched and searched and the earth got more and more bare. Finally, Zeus had to tell Demeter that Hades had taken Persephone. Demeter demanded her return or she swore she would never let anything grow again. Zeus agreed.
Meanwhile, Persephone was suffering below the earth. She also refused to eat or drink and nothing Hades tried could pull his bride from her sadness. When word came that Demeter was going to take Persephone, Hades grew desperate. He told his wife that she would soon be leaving but to please just eat something so she wouldn't seem so weak. Persephone ate six pomegranate seeds to pacify him. There is a law that if you eat or drink anything while in the underworld that you cannot leave, which Hades triumphantly announced when Demeter arrived. Demeter was beyond outraged and again told Zeus she would let Earth die if she had to return without her daughter; so Zeus was forced to compromise. Persephone would spend six months of the year on earth and six in the underworld. Demeter also compromised, stating that nothing would grow when her child went under but that life would return with Persephone, hence the creation of seasons.
There is a lot to this story and many perspectives to consider, but as the the fall equinox and Libra new moon draw close, I want you to consider the journey of Persephone. Demeter represents the light part of the year, the summer growth and blossoming. Hades is the dark time, Winter death, decay and retreat to the underworld. It is Persephone who symbolizes the balance between them, the innocent child of Spring, and the dutiful wife of Fall. It is she who must enter the underworld at fall equinox and return to the earth at spring equinox. Whatever her own feelings, fears and wants, she honors the compromise from Zeus and over time is revered as the Queen of the underworld.
Though at first she is just a victim to deities more powerful than she (I think we can all relate to that!) It is still her decision to cultivate the relationships between and within the light and dark. Persephone is the embodiment of the scales and the true creator of harmony and compromise.
Whatever may have come up for you on the mental level during this physical cycle of Virgo, it is time to reconcile it. In what places and ways are you having to give up some of your lighter aspects and move into your dark? Perhaps the physical work brought up a lot of darkness and your job during this cycle where there is less sun is to try to find the lightness in them? What can you learn about your relationships and where you can and cannot compromise? Relationships are our greatest mirrors, our most powerful teachers, as we see through Persephone and her connection to both Demeter and Hades. Neither is really better than the other, but they both force Persephone into initiation.
This is the month of final harvest, but for many of us, it is in the mental realm of air: practicing slow, balanced breathing, making mental inventories of your own assets/debits as well those of your relationships, reading inspiring books/stories and every day considering how you can bring more harmony into your life. It is not always easy to find balance and compromise, particularly between light and dark, but if Persephone can accept a life split between earth and the underworld, we can utilize twenty eight days for our own exploration of the scales.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Virgo New Moon & Women's Moon Camp

Om Chandraya Namaha, ladies~ it is almost time to welcome another lunar cycle!

It is still a week away, but I can't tell you how excited I am for both the Virgo cycle and our 1st Moon Camp. We specifically chose the Virgo new moon for camp, and the reasons were many.

Virgo is mutable (transform) Earth (form, physical) and is the sign most connected to making changes in the physical realm. Virgo is associated with the healer, and the perfectionist. This is the best sign to get into details and detoxification of the physical world we live in. The trouble can often be that we, especially women, get too critical, too perfection driven, either about ourselves, or we turn this keen eye on to those around us; particularly if we are not ready to do the work that needs to be done.

Choosing this cycle to spend a couple days together in the mountains, on the earth, taking time to do our individual and collective work, sitting in circle sharing our truths and new intentions, making healthy meals together, hiking, sitting around the fire... these are all such powerful ways to welcome an energy that can either be powerfully transformative, or powerfully destructive. 

Especially coming out of Mercury Retrograde (goes direct 8/26!) many of us had a lot of stuff coming up the last couple weeks: challenges, fears, illnesses, communication issues, doubts, anxieties about ourselves and maybe even the world around us.

I found myself more sensitive than usual to the news of famine in Somalia, the seeming hopelessness within our own economy, cases of brain eating amoebas in the South... I was feeling desperate, angry, sad. Is there nothing we can do?

Enter Virgo, problem solver, hard worker, wounded healer, patient, focused, humble and eager to create change. The first challenge is to put your eyes on yourself, and be gentle. Through lovingly assessing and cleansing our own bodies, minds, spirits and environments, we may find a way to share the healing. Perhaps through eating cleaner food, you decide to plant a garden, and then get your neighbors involved. Or if you discover that clean water is your passion, maybe you get inspired to donate to clean water funds or become active in Heal the bay. Perhaps you sign up for a composting class, and decide education needs more attention, think of all the ways you can take action in that field! The possibilities are limitless, as is the nature of mutability. 

Virgo is tireless in her effort to be of service, and as long as she keeps her eyes on herself and stays focused on the progress, not the perfection, this is the cycle that can change the world.

If you would like to join us in Ojai for Moon Camp, you can check out details on the facebook page ( and I will be sending directions this week, once I get final RSVP's. So please, RSVP:) you do not have to stay the whole time, but we will have Sky Ranch from Saturday around 2pm to Sunday afternoon. We recommend car pooling, bringing food to share for lunch, dinner, breakfast and snacks, as well as warm clothes, optional hiking shoes, sleeping bag, a tent that does not need to be staked (we will be camping out on the deck) and any of your Virgo inspired tasks like journals, crafting, reading, music, etc. There is not a specific ritual or ceremony, as the intent is to simply have time in Nature with our circle, as our ancestors always did at this time of the month, for cleansing, dreaming, processing and sharing. Virgo is the healer and nothing has proven more healing than Mama earth and a loving circle of sisters. The new moon falls on Sunday, but the dark moon was the night most associated with cleansing, and so it was perfect to spend the dark moon night together and then emerge on the new moon refreshed, filled and ready for what promises to be a very busy cycle of creating change. 

If you cannot join us, know that we hold your spirits in our circle, and please take time to welcome Virgo. Take care of your body through diet, exercise and cleansing, take care of your mind through journaling, talking with trusted friends, reading up on things you are interested in and take care of your spirit through meditation, getting out in Nature and sitting with the new moon to receive the wisdom of Virgo.

I hope to see you at Sky Ranch & I wish you a healing, productive and transformative cycle.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Aquarius Full Moon Saturday 8/13

The moon is waxing beautifully in the summer skies. While the full moon is still days away, I think most of us can't help but draw our eyes to the heavens this week as things may feel like they are not unfolding as planned in front of us. 

The new moon in Leo came in with a fiery roar, and we were happy to hear it; there was a night or two of excitement, eagerness, playfulness, courage and fun... then Mercury went retrograde and that roar went inward. Perhaps some of you felt like you were coughing up a fur ball or two? All the intention of moving outward, and suddenly, communication is off and we just want to pick up our toys and go home.

That is okay. The retrograde cycles are always a time for powerful teaching. The energy moves backwards and since so many of us are constantly wanting to move forward, it is a real challenge to stop in our tracks and allow those steps back. Our outward fun may turn into inner reflection and our big parties may become quiet picnics under the stars. I was hiking with a dear friend today and she was telling me how a teacher just told her that sometimes creativity is not about making a piece of art, but rather, when things aren't moving the way you want, can you use your creativity to respond in a fluid way?

I think that may be the teaching of Leo/Aquarius this month. 

Aquarius is fixed air, (maintain creativity) which often makes it feel more watery since when air is contained it feels more like waves, as does its symbol the water-bearer. I never quite understood or related to what a water-bearer was and so I looked into it:  The symbol for Aquarius is the Water Bearer, symbolically and eternally giving life and spiritual food to the world. The water from the vessel washes away the past, leaving room for a fresh, new start. The sign of Aquarius is forward-looking and growth-oriented. Concerned with equality and individual freedom, Aquarius seeks to dispense its knowledge, and its vision of equality and individuality, to all. (from

Aquarius is always outside the box. So maybe Leo inspired some traditional summer fun activities, and now with mercury retrograde and the rising emotion of the full moon we have to back track and find a way to use our creativity and passions in a different way, a more fluid and unconscious way, maybe one that is focused on bettering ourselves and the world around us, rather than having a final summer hurrah.

If you are feeling depressed, angry, unsettled or frustrated, that is still Leo energy waiting to be channeled, and now the Aquarius full moon asks us if we dare to channel that creativity in a new way? A way that gives new life and energy to all beings? Just as sitting under a waxing/full moon nourishes the soul, so can your Leo/Aquarius intentions. The retrograde cycle can make it difficult to start something new, so let that air energy move backwards into other intentions you may have set this year that didn't get fulfilled. Do you remember the intentions you made back at the Aquarius new moon this year? Both air and fire have the flexibility to go in any direction we want. Become an air-bender this week and heed the Aquarius call.

As always, the choice in responding to our celestial teachers lies with you. Every month, in each part of the lunar cycle, we have an opportunity to learn, grow, transform and create. The planets, elements, signs are all just guides, suggestions along the way. There is no right or wrong but these times offer really powerful opportunities to each of us. If nothing else, pay attention to your feelings, to nature, to the sky and just do one thing that your intuition guides you to do this week, even if it seems really weird (that is the Aquarius calling card;))  Obviously, be sure it harms no one and again, no big life changes during retrograde... but a subtle change in your reaction, a whim to do something a little differently, to use your creativity in a new way, that will be enough to honor this cycle and please both the Lioness and the Water-bearer.

Have a beautiful waxing week and a sweet Aquarian Full Moon weekend. I leave you with a quote from a famous Aquarian, Francis Bacon, "He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils; for time is the greatest innovator."

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Capricorn Full Moon Thurs July 14th

I don't think I have ever been more pleased to see Capricorn. Wow, that is a statement you do not often hear coming from a Gemini, and while it is true that I have had more challenges with the Capricorns of my life (from childhood to present) than any other sign, I have also experienced some of the deepest connections.

As I mentioned at the Capricorn new moon last winter, this sign is symbolized by the Mountain Goat. I had the opportunity to watch those guys at the living desert in Palm Springs and they are remarkable creatures. They are so firmly rooted to the earth that they move up, down and around the rockiest terrain with ease. Capricorn is Cardinal (initiate) earth (form) and it is the most intense of the earth signs, which I think, is much needed after the crazy eclipse cycle.

Think about it, this is the first major lunation in 6 weeks that hasn't had an eclipse attached to it; but it is in one of the most challenging but beneficial signs for manifestation. The eclipse cycle was focused in Air (Gemini) Fire (Sagittarius) and water (Cancer) so we desperately need earth right now, and we need an earth energy that will bring us back to our roots and firmly on our path.

I don't know how the eclipses affected each of you, or how this current Cancer cycle has been flowing, I know for me it has been really intense. I have had all kinds of old patterns, thoughts and fears coming up, I have had to look at my primary relationships and honestly inventory them and I feel almost at a cross roads emotionally. But it also has been amazing, I have been a part of powerful rituals, circles, new connections, old connections and wonderful opportunities have been presenting themselves. It is overwhelming, to say the least, like a big ocean wave, which is appropriate for the Cancer month.

My intention for this full moon, as the full moon is our best time for reflection, illumination and celebration, is to get up a mountain. There are plenty of full moon hikes this time of year (Treepeople, Stough Canyon Nature Center, Griffith Park) or you can make your own.

Embody the mountain goat and get your feet moving on the earth, climb up to a place where you can soak up the full moon and with your feet planted, let the waves of emotion from the new moon wash over you, offer it to the earth, focus your mind firmly on what you really want, in the midst of all the stuff arising, see it, sense it, like that vital next step up the hill, and then give in to the beauty of challenge, accomplishment, be grateful for the climb, the opportunities and the clarity we are receiving. We need each element equally, and now is the time to honor the earth, not the sensual, steady Taurus earth, or the mutable Virgo earth, but the hard, rocky, unyielding Capricorn earth. It is only through this connection that we can gather the strength to move forward, to continue cleansing, releasing and transforming. 

Here is a poem from this year's We'Moon by Rosemary Wyman that I found fitting:
Sometimes I need to feel like I can move mountains and
I'll grab something heavy to heave, shove or pull.
I wanna prove I'm strong-like I wanna prove I'm useful like
you know, to carry one grain of sand from
here to there, and then another, and then another
it aint gonna ever satisfy me like- it caint never ring my bell like
it sure as hell won't float my boat

You see these boulders? You see these troubled lives?
Sometimes the futile feel of the slip-slop endless process of
my immoderate unenlightened life totally terrifies me like
when I encounter a mountain and know the thing needs moving and
can feel my hands are tied and can see the money's almost gone then
I despair- that my wee pea-size intelligence is inadequate after all.

The ensuing squirm is pure pathetic like
a loud fly stuck-dance angry in a spider's wiggling web
but sometimes when I smack into a mountain
I can re-member myself in time
and I can get out of my own way long enough and
I can plant my flat feet firmly on the floor and
I can put my freakin' hands together and
I can set my blazing beating heart behind them.
Then my belief begins to MOVE my mountains.

For this full moon, think earth, think mountain, think honoring challenges with love and gratitude, think asking that Mountain goat to guide you through the rest of this cycle.

Our next new moon gathering will be in Leo on Saturday July 30th hosted by Sascha; and the following month, our Virgo new moon will set the stage for our first ever MOON CAMP! We will be having a camp-out in Ojai from Saturday afternoon August 26th to Sunday morning August 27th~ I am so excited and will send a special email out soon with more information; but if you know you are interested in coming, go ahead and email me so I can start getting a sense of how many ladies to expect.

Also, I am teaching the next Sacred Female Flow workshop, which honors the full moon and seasonal celebration of midsummer, on Friday August 12th 8:30-10:30pm at Yoga Blend. The last one was so fun and magical and I am looking forward to the power we will create this time.

Have a healing and grounding full moon!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sagittarius Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse Wed 6/15

Solar Eclipse + Mutable Air + Mutable Fire + Total Eclipse=
Marshmallows, anyone?
Sagittarius is Mutable fire, the transformation of spirit, symbolized as the mythological centaur, recognized as the gypsy and equated to a wild bonfire around which we tell our tall tales and fantastic stories.
I am very interested in the relationship between the elements and the moon, and recently, the earth has been manifesting the lunar cycles as they start... the floods trumpeted the Scorpio full moon, tornadoes blew in Gemini new moon and a volcano ushers in the full moon/total lunar eclipse of Sagittarius. Now, there is no legitimate proof that these things are related, but to ME, they have felt connected. If anyone understands that kind of far-reaching thinking, it would be Sagittarius.
The dance here is of the last call variety, right before the club closes. The partners are your mind, which is probably still racing from the Gemini new moon/solar eclipse, and your spirit, which may feel like it has either gotten too big for your body or you can't find it at all. It is a fast dance, not a slow one and neither party can touch, yet they must somehow come together....
Argh! It's impossible, it's too hot and sweaty in here, I can't catch my breath, it's too loud and I don't want to dance with you anyway, you smelly horse man! I just want to go home and get away from all these people, all these possibilties and everything that has brought me to this point... just. leave. me. alooooonnneee!!!
(Anyone else kind of feel like that? Just me?
Here is the thing, an eclipse HEIGHTENS everything, and the lunar eclipse specifically heightens emotions. This moon/eclipse is in a later degree, which means it is time to let go of the old feelings, hang-ups, resentments, fears, thoughts and pretty much everything else plaguing mind or spirit.)
I threw a tantrum on the dance floor and ran dramatically out into the parking lot. The big full moon is staring down at me, illuminating my pain, embarassment and all the other stuff I don't want to look at. I glare back at her as the Centaur saunters up to me. He laughs a full belly laugh and says "That was pretty impressive back there." I ignore him and turn away. Suddenly he scoops me up, and starts galloping off into the night. "Hey!" I cry indignantly, "You are not supposed to touch me!" He chuckles again "I pretty much do whatever I want, sweetheart, I am always changing." His whole body emanates heat and I add to it, fuming silently as he takes me further into the full moon night.
We stop suddenly in an alley where some homeless men have created a small fire in a battered grill. "Uh, excuse me?" I start to complain when he cuts me off. "Sorry, boys, can we use your spot for a few?" No one argues with a centaur and the men wander away. "Take me back." I demand. "Give it up." he responds. "Give it up, and give it to the fire. Everything you are so angry about, everything you are afraid of, give it away so I can have my dance with you."
I refuse and stare into the fire. Give it up? All of it? Where would I be without my old fears and head games, my control issues and old tapes? "You will be free." he answers softly. I stop resisting and start to empty out my pockets, my purse, my shoes. I offer to the weak fire all that has been living rent free in my head for so long. The fire grows higher, hungrier, accepting every old thought willingly.

Suddenly I feel light, so light, like I had no idea how much these things were weighing me down. I look at him in disbelief. He laughs that horsey laugh and I begin to hear the sound of drums, then a flute. He starts to circle me and now I laugh, because I am ready to dance this dance of mind and spirit. I am ready to move like magnets, without touching physically, but in perfect harmony. The eclipse has begun.
I don't actually expect anyone to run off with a centaur Wednesday night (though that would be cool.) I would recommend taking time to let your mind and spirit work things out; perhaps through some silent meditation followed by prayer and a burning ceremony. Burning ceremony is where you write down all the things you are ready to release and then consciously and ceremoniously feed them to the flames. You can also burn old items but please do it safely and consciously. It is nice if you can do all of this under the full moon. I often just light a candle in a bowl, feed my paper to the candle and let it burn out in the bowl.
But as usual, even if you just glance at the moon for a moment and light a candle before bed, take some time to honor this lunation, because it does affect all of us. I may be bold in trying to connect lunations with floods and volcanos, but there are powerful changes afoot and the more we are aware of them and the more we honor them, the better able we are going to be at transforming physically and spiritually.
In the waning cycle between this full moon/eclipse and the next new moon/eclipse, I would like to recommend two special events: the first is my Summer Solstice Celebration at Yoga Blend, Tuesday June 21st. I always love holding these workshops and have some special things planned for this one in particular due to all the eclipses. The weekend after solstice, Saturday June 25th & 26th, we are so honored to host my teacher and one of the women responsible for bringing female shamanism into our culture, author, teacher, healer and yogini, Vicki Noble, at Yoga Blend! She will be sharing her powerful Dakini practice, which combines Shamanism, Buddhism and Goddess roots in a simple yet profound teaching and ritual. You can come for just Saturday night or Sunday afternoon but I highly recommend both! More info for both events can be found at

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Gemini New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse

From fixed earth to mutable air... and so the dance continues, from a slow tango to a quick salsa~

We leave behind the sensual, steady spirit of Taurus to welcome the whirlwind ways of Gemini, who makes an entrance (as usual) with the help of a partial solar eclipse. This eclipse is actually the first of 3 we will greet this month, as our full moon on 6/15 has a total lunar eclipse and then the Cancer new moon completes the cycle with another partial solar eclipse. Yeah, it's going to be one of THOSE summers.

Eclipses intensify the sign they are in and make that energy more prominent and palpable. We'Moon 2011 has this to say about the new moon eclipse: "Gemini encourages us to look eye to eye, and get on the same side. Teamwork can move mountains."

We are coming off an earth cycle, and still draining away the effects of that watery Scorpio Full Moon. Hopefully, we have set clear intentions around what we want our lives to physically look like, and shifted our attention to healthy, sustainable, steady goals. The full moon probably flooded the foundation a bit and this waning cycle has been time to let the earth absorb the rest of the moisture so that we can have our feet firmly fixed on our path. Cuz, if not, get ready for a ride.

If Scorpio could be compared to a flood, then Gemini (especially coupled with an eclipse!) can easily be a cyclone. Mutable (dissolve/transform) Air (psyche/creativity) blows in, swirls around all that isn't rooted and then once everything is spinning, abruptly drops it and turns full attention to the next object of interest.

This is not necessarily a bad thing, it is a "wake up and pay attention" thing. Taurus is physical and Gemini is very mental. Last cycle we explored aligning Physical (Taurus) and Emotional (Scorpio), this month is Mind (Gemini) and Spirit (Sagittarius; the full moon sign). Gemini is not just about mind games, though, it is about communication. Symbolized by the twins, it is learning how to ask for the things you decided you wanted, and then figuring out how to network, socialize and create a buzz around those intentions. But, again, if you weren't clear on those goals, or your brain decides it isn't stimulated enough by them, you may spend this month with the "dark twin." That's the twin that flakes, tells white lies, is a little two-faced, tardy, gossipy, selfish and quite moody. I know her well, as my Sun (and several other celestial bodies) are in Gemini and it has taken me a long time to be friends with both sides of the coin.

My recommendation for moving into this cycle is taking lots of deep breaths, (Breath=air) stepping with open arms into the tornado and see where you get set down. If your intentions from last month are healthy, this will be the cycle to move around, get out of your comfort zone and find new peeps! Find people with similar goals, passions and start to work together. Step away from the rose bush and into the coffee shop, with cell phone, lap top and journal in hand. Be social, but in ways that support your life's vision. Keep away from the people and places that put your mind in places you don't want to be, and challenge your brain with new sights, sounds and possibilities. Oh, and get a mani/pedi, Gemini likes that.

Remember this is a new moon, which already holds such power for setting intention, but it is enhanced by an eclipse, so it is really, really important to take time to honor and connect with this lunation! Whether it is getting a manicure, going out for coffee with friends, just writing, writing your dreams, or joining our evening of fun, harness this energy and allow Gemini to bring out the lightness in you, and your life. This could be a tough cycle, as we can clearly see the damage tornadoes can do, but it doesn't have to be. We have the knowledge and the ability to greet challenges and changes with balance and strength, we just have to stay honest, open and let the Moon be our guide.. we might then even enjoy the ride!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Scorpio Full Moon: Feelings vs Form

So Venus and Pluto walk into a bar...

Welcome to the Scorpio full moon phase~

I hope you have been enjoying the fruits of Venus since the new moon two weeks ago. The weather has been perfect here, and the blossoming of fruits and flowers has taken my breath away every time I leave the house. I have been hiking almost every day, a wonderful activity during the Taurus cycle, and just marveling at the gifts of Spring.

The full moon is the mid point of the cycle, where the moon becomes a mirror, reflecting back our actions and intentions thus far and giving us the chance to either celebrate our success or meditate on anything that is not working. The waning moon is then the opportunity for solidifying the steps or preparing to release the effort and clean the slate. This particular moon is in later degrees, which means it is more directed towards the completion of a cycle and really finishing the task you started.

What did you set intentions for this new moon? In the cycle of beauty, abundance, sensuality, prosperity, physical form and love, what did you say you wanted? What are you trying to manifest in your physical world? and does it conflict with your emotions, how you truly feel?

Scorpio is the most intense of all the signs, such depth and feeling, so much passion, intensity, perception. This is a sign that says exactly how it feels. Ruled by Pluto: death, sexuality, transformation and power and Taurus ruled by Venus: love, abundance, sensuality and home~ this is also a tango between these two powerhouses, can the Goddess of love have a relationship with the Lord of the underworld?

Venus does not bow to another's will easily. While her light side is all that is loving, thriving, sensual and beautiful, her dark side can be stubborn, greedy, manipulative and pouty. Pluto is also not one you want to mess around with as his specialty is breaking down form, cutting through the BS, transforming, destroying and taking power. At odds, this will surely be a painful battle, as fixed signs do not bend.

So Venus and Pluto walk into a bar. The rooms lights up and all heads turn as Venus makes her way to the dance floor. Pluto scowls as he pulls a stool up to the darkest part of the bar and orders a shot of whiskey... this night can go two ways. Option one is Venus continues to flirt, dance and receive all attention while Pluto quietly rages into his drink, until at some point, his last button will be pushed and violence will commence. There will be anger, a stinging battle waged and the bar possibly burned down. This is inevitably what happens when form and feelings do not mesh. (Maybe not always this extreme, but you get the metaphor, yes?)

OR Venus may choose to sip some wine or sparkling water while they share their favorite stories, and Pluto can occasionally enjoy the center of the dance floor with her by his side. They can alternate dancing and drinking, hanging out together and being alone or with others. This can be a night of transformation, exploration and much fun. Venus can shine, but not take all the light, allowing Pluto to be his smart, deep, alluring self and Pluto can relax, knowing he can be himself and enjoy Venus's beauty, without wanting to dampen it. It's about being honest and creating a supportive, sustainable relationship where feelings are focused and form takes healthy roots.

The choice, as always, is yours.

When earth is fixed, there is no yielding, when water is fixed, there is no flow. The challenge of this moon is to either align your feelings with your actions, actions started at the new moon, or possibly have to start letting go of some ideal with love, not with anger. Whatever you choose to do to honor this full moon, let it reflect the light of both Venus and Pluto... something grounding, beautiful but also powerful and true to your very core. Pluto will not tolerate lies or faking and Venus is the queen of putting on the pretty mask. Next month moves us into 3 eclipses so this is a great opportunity to use the fixed energy to make decisions, explore your level of acceptance, firmly ground yourself on the path chosen and have fun.

Water and earth are the elements to honor here, and if you do find there is some conflict between them, bring in fire or air to shake them up a bit. I plan to keep up with my daily hikes (earth) and spend Monday night at my favorite korean spa (water).

No matter what you do, take time under the full moon light to check in with body and emotions. Do something that makes you feel beautiful and from that safe space, with the moon's glow shining down, get really honest. Are your heart and body moving towards the same goals? Are your actions matching your emotions and vice versa? Ask Venus and Pluto for their guidance and dream with the moon to hear your answers.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Aries New Moon Sun 4/3

Playing with fire... if you are not careful, you can get burned.

After a full cycle of Pisces merging, blending, flowing, empathizing, imagining, dreaming... I kinda feel like I need to be wrung out. Lots of rain, tears, hot baths, and losing myself in books this month and old episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and it was needed. But it is time for some fire.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and in some ways, she is the culmination of all the energies from the year. Aries, on the other hand, is the youngest sign and is ready to go on her own. Cardinal (initiates) fire (transformation) guided by Mars, the God of war. This is a cycle for the inner warrioress to take action. All those dreams you were fishing around with last month, it is almost time to actually place the bait, take aim and get what you want, hook, line and sinker.

Spring is officially here and every other being in this hemisphere knows it is GO time.

Well, except for, as I mentioned in the full moon note, we are also now in Mercury retrograde (March 30th-April 23rd) which can put a little damper on some of those new ideas. It might also increase tempers and tensions as Mars does not like to be put in a holding pattern. I have an Aries moon and let me tell you, I want what I want NOW. It is almost painful for me to wait for something and I feel certain I have to do something immediately to seize my prize or I will lose it forever. But my sun is in Gemini, ruled by Mercury and there is a way to get these kids to play together nicely.

Awareness is always the first step and simply noticing that Aries fiery desire and Mercury retrograde's re-quest to re-lax and re-vise will slow things down.

The key this cycle is to find balance: between the watery results of the Pisces cycle and the demanding fire of Aries. Between the strong, powerful need to make change now and the re-minder to wait a little bit longer...
Aries is notorious for just waging battle, being young, strong and well, a ram. It will serve each of us, and what is sure to be an intense rest of the year (based on the energy of the last few months), if we can fan the flames a bit.

Sustainability is an important lesson our culture is having to learn right now and in some ways, Aries could represent our society: wants what it wants and wants it NOW. Perhaps having Mercury retrograde during the Spring Aries cycle will be exactly what we all need to be sure what we want is really what we want and that the timing is ideal.

How can you distract your warrioress from going right into to war? Can you enroll her in bootcamp for Spring training? Take a class for the job you want rather than going right for it? Start working with a mentor, sponsor, teacher to really create some concrete plans? 

It is important we utilize this time to light a fire under our bums, but experience has shown if you try too hard to take action and start new things during Mercury retrograde, things can be a little more challenging, deals have a way of falling through and emotions can be fickle... keep the focus on yourself and let the action be about getting you in the best shape (physically, mentally, emotionally & physically) to go after your dreams.

Seek the heat this month, but do it like an athlete preparing for the match of her life! Decide what you want, select it from the Piscean sea, shake it out, hang it over the fire to dry then focus on it with all of your being, run around it from every angle with the excitement of the youthful ram, light a candle in it's honor and meditate on it, train yourself, challenge yourself and then, when the time is right, you will go for it and you will get it.

I feel really confident that if we can use Aries energy in this way, not only will the victory be sweeter and the bliss deeper, but it will serve you longer, better and possibly even contribute to a world that really needs warrioresses like us; warrioresses who are not just thinking about ourselves or the win, but that honor the cycles, the signs and are willing to take their time and to be really sure of what they want and what they are willing to do to get it. 

Take some time to honor that new fire, and also the request of Mercury; and if you can't wait to take action, it is all good. Life is a schoolhouse and the cycles are our teachers, everything happens as it needs to and sometimes, we need those bumps and challenges. Honor your inner warrioress's wisdom and trust the flame will guide the way. 



Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Virgo Full Moon/supermoon/spring equinox

The full Moon in Virgo brings with it a supermoon (closest moon to the earth in 18 years), the Spring Equinox & Mercury Retrograde ghost period: that is a lot of heightened energy and power for an already emotional lunation. We have two options: to find the inner critic or the inner healer.
Last Monday night, the night with all the crazy wind, I was driving home a white owl flew slowly past my car. I saw it completely and was amazed, I have never seen an owl like that.. when I looked up "white owl" in animal symbolism, I found 2 very opposing views. The first said it was a Goddess totem, representing wisdom and healing. The 2nd said it was a death totem. 
Virgo is smart, very methodical, organized, questioning and perfection seeking. She wants to make it all right and fix everything. This sign is also one of a natural healer, an empath, a medicine person who knows just the right combination of herbs, foods, plants and exersizes to bring anyone back to wholeness.
A Supermoon (Lunar perigree) means the moon is physically closer to us then normal. The full moon is already the highest emotional night of the cycle, but with the moon closer, there is a much stronger pull on tides and feelings. The full moon always opposes the sun sign (Pisces) and so the dance between these energies is being magnified. Pisces is mutable water and Virgo is mutable earth so the movement is quick, fluid, adaptable, the balance sought is between consciousness and form and with the addition of the nearer lunar proximity, actually would resemble tidal waves and earthquakes, on a literal and metaphorical level.
The day after the full moon is Spring Equinox, one of two days where night and day are equal as earth sits balanced on her axis, but symbolizes the shift to the lighter, warmer time of year afterward, as our hemisphere now tilts closer to the sun. It is always a celebratory time and quite profound for cleansing rituals, preparing seeds to plant and honoring the end of darkness and beginning of light.
Mercury, planet of communication, (also happens to rule Virgo) is preparing to move backwards, the "dreaded" mercury retrograde cycle. The intense period is actually March 30th till April 23rd but right around the full moon it starts it's "ghost" period, where it appears to be stopping and getting ready to go the other way. This is a cycle that is intended for anything starting with "re": re-new, re-view, re-lease, re-store, etc and generally considered to be a less ideal time to start anything new. It's initial slowing down is in Virgo, which also increases the necessity to slow down because it is amplifying the desire to make change and this is a cycle better used for doing inner work than making outer adjustments.
SO~ there are all these signs, planets, feelings and stuff swirling and shifting and we have two choices on this full moon: give in to the inner critic, the one who saw death in the white owl and decides to focus on all the things that are wrong, the problems, fears, feelings and decided NOW is the time to fix it, which will probably lead to more frustartion, anger and fear... OR, invite the inner healer to the full moon party: the one that recognizes and honors the need for healing, love and self-care so that when the time is right for action, she will be fully present and capable of making sustainable change. 

What can you do to welcome the inner healer and what can you do to release the inner critic? Take a look at your exercise and eating habits. This is a great cycle to start preparing the garden, weeding out the old, cleaning out pantries, fridges, medicine cabinets. Connect to water and earth, do a detox or cleanse. Maybe get a massage, see an ayurvedist, nutritionist, acupuncturist or other teacher you have been wanting to seek out. Perhaps have your astrology chart read. Go to more Yoga classes, take more hikes and maybe even get to the woods or beach. 

Our next new moon gathering will be Sunday April 3rd.

Also, I am doing a Spring Equinox Celebration at Yoga Blend this Friday 3/18 8:30-10:30pm to honor both the full moon and seasonal shift. It is one of my favorite practices and I am so looking forward to being sacred space with all of these overwhelming

Remember this is a time for inner work, so be gentle with those around you who may not do what you think they should be doing. Keep the focus on yourself and let this full moon highlight those places that need a little more love. The greatest gift we can give a world so desperate for healing is our own wholeness, only then are we truly able to be of service. That is my wish to the full moon, to help me remember my wholeness, clear out my own blockages so that I may serve in whatever way is needed. To me, that is the purest teaching of Virgo. 

Listen to those wild winds, look to the full moon and open your heart and mind so that you can honestly hear the response to your own wishes and be guided through the rest of this magical and magnetic cycle. 



Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pisces New Moon Friday 3/4

The weather today is perfect for Pisces... light rain and wind.. the dance of mutable water... the dissolution of consciousness, the transformation of flow. Pisces asks us to soak life in, to be permeable as a sponge and just as unattached. Fill up, take it in and then let it go again. After a month of revolutionary Aquarius changes, let's invoke the healing, dreaming, languid realm of Pisces. 
Happy new moon week!
I used to rebel against Pisces energy. I did not like the empathic nature of the fish, nor the dream-like sensitivity that seemed both fully present yet on a different realm of consciousness.
I learned, though, that I rebelled because it takes strength to stand in a Pisces flow, it requires the most open heart/open mind/open spirit to transform (mutable) flow/psyche (water) I mean, what a contradiction! How do I transform flow? Well, I don't, actually, no one does.
Pisces is conduit material. I like the sponge metaphor because it emphasizes the nature of this sign. The sponge fills completely in the flow, but it eventually always drains it out. It is hard to keep a sponge filled with something. and if you are a uh.. person who likes control.. like me.. you struggle with things that release so easily.
Pisces is another sign that the moon naturally resonates with, as she also teaches the sponge behavior: she fills every month and she empties every month. She does not stay the same for longer than a couple days. That can be scary in our world where fear is the root of almost everything, fear of losing what we have or not getting what we want.
Pisces doesn't have that problem. She completely absorbs & experiences whatever is around her and then lets it go so she can fill up again. The symbol for Pisces is the fish.. what is more in the flow than a fish? Have you ever watched a fish? I suggest finding one this month (maybe a good cycle for a trip to the aquarium?) and waching it for a while. It is quite informative.
On this new moon, the best day for setting goals and intentions, can we take a break from the "gung-ho/be the change" Aquarius attitude and allow this to be a month for soaking? Soaking in early spring rains and sunshine, basking in the filling and emptying of the Pisces moon cycle, watering that fertile space within where our intentions for 2011 have been planted. Welcome dreaminess, cat naps, sleeping in, hot baths, cool showers, empathy, feeling your feelings (and letting them flow) 
Pay close attention to dreams and emotions because you will experience heightened awareness and sensitivity both during sleep and waking times. This is always a great cycle to start a dream journal, even if it is only a word or two that can be recalled. Dream journal practice deepens the connection to our unconscious mind and intuition and those are both great allies to have as the year waxes and time starts to move faster.
Please take time for yourself to tune into the Pisces New Moon. Find a fish, record a dream, walk in the rain, meditate on ways you can transform the flow of your life by learning how to fill up, empty out and fill up again.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New Moon in Aquarius/Imbolc/Chinese New Year Wed 2/2

The moon in Aquarius is a call for community, perception, deep intuition and biggest picture thinking. The fixed (maintain) air (consciousness/creative energy) is a potent balance of harnessing our group thoughts, creativity, dreams and focusing and holding it until it expands into something more than we can possibly imagine.
The last full moon pulled the bandage off old wounds and poured salt water into them. It hurts like hell but the healing can be quick now if we stay receptive and willing to endure. This waning cycle has been all about endurance. Many people are struggling to hold on and keep going. There is a feeling of sadness, intense emotion and a little bit of craziness but it will pass. Breathe into the sting of the salt, the ocean water that is symbolic of that last Cancer full moon, and we can now allow the strong wind of Aquarius to blow through and take away the intensity: the new moon is here.
We are again free of eclipses this new moon, we do have the added energy of the Chinese new year (year of the rabbit: purity, nurturing, peace, calm, rest, so needed after Tiger last year and Dragon in 2012!) and of a cross-quarter holiday. Most of you are aware of the equinoxes and solstices, but in the middle of those big shifts are the cross-quarter days which represent the mid points of each cycle. February 2nd is Imbolc, also know as Candlemas and I like to consider it the very first stirrings of Spring, though some see it as mid-winter.
Imbolc was also the day of purification, prophecy and initiation for the new priestesses in the Goddess traditions. The word Imbolc has to do with year's first milking of the ewes and symbolized re-birth. The celebration was dedicated to the Celtic goddess Brigid, who was such a powerful goddess that when the Christians took over Celtic lands, they made her into a Saint because the people would not renounce her and Imbolc became Candlemas, day of lighting the sacred flame.  She is the goddess of healing, inspiration, poetry, creativity and smith craft. Brigid is also known as Bride and it is her that women invoke before marriage as she is symbolic of the maiden, stepping into her power and beauty.
I was so happy when I realized Imbolc fell on this new moon. Aquarius is nothing if not set on bringing community together for the greater good and opening our eyes to the union with all the universe. I am getting married in April and I knew what I wanted more than anything was to bring together our beautiful circle of women on this special new moon to invoke this powerful Goddess, celebrate the new cycle and share a group bridal ritual.
My dear friend, teacher, sister, yogini, priestess and new mama Christy offered to host the gathering and facilitate the ritual and I am so unbelievably grateful and excited. We will be gathering at her home:
Wednesday February 2nd 7-10pm
Email for address~
There are details to the ritual that I am not aware of, so you can email her if you would like. What I do know is that, as usual, no boys or booze but we will be sharing potluck.
I would like to request for both food and dress this evening that we try to stick primarily to the colors of red and white. These are the colors that represent Brigid and the shifting of the seasons as well as a woman's movement from maiden to wife.
If you have never been to a gathering, generally the first hour is eating/talking and the circle starts at 8pm and there is not any issue with people coming in late and leaving early. We are still very flexible with arrival and departure, but if you want to enjoy the full celebration, please arrive no later than 7:45pm and plan to stay until 10pm.
Also, if you can RSVP to Christy or me just so we know how many to expect, that would be lovely but is not required.
If you cannot make the gathering, please take time to honor this sweet new moon and holiday. It is a new year with new energy and intention. What big dreams have you let go of that you can call back in? Do you feel stuck? This is a profound time for purification on all levels: your body, mind, home, sacred tools, relationships, car, pretty much everything. Wear red or white on February 2nd and take time to light a candle under the new moon. Watch the flame dance in the breeze and set your intentions for this cycle.
Call in the Goddess, welcome the spirit of the Rabbit and open yourself to the expansiveness of Aquarius. We are all in this together and even though we each have our own stuff happening, we are connected. That is the message of Aquarius and when we each bring our creativity to the circle and let go of the separateness we feel, that energy becomes so big it can change the world.
I am honored to be the "bride" in the upcoming ritual, but who among us in not stepping into a new relationship with a new year? Which of you is not setting new dreams and goals and wanting to find union with it? This is the Aquarius moon and that means the night is about all of us, coming together, honoring, celebration, releasing and preparing for all of the "marriages" this year will hold.
If you are interested, I am also guiding a pre-Imbolc women's circle at Spirit Works in Burbank on Sunday January 30th from 1-4pm. Two of my dear friends have created a wonderful spiritual space there and we are taking advantage of this powerful week to deepen the connection, share circle and sacred practices. Please email me for more information.
Whatever you choose to do, honor this new moon in the way that feels best. Call in Brigid, call in the tribal spirit of Aquarius, celebrate the new year and remember that we are in this together. No matter where you are or what is going on in your life, our circle is open and there is a place for you, with all of your creativity and dreams, right in the middle of it.
Sweet Imbolc & New Moon blessings for you all~