Saturday, February 4, 2012

Leo Full Tues February 7th

The sun has been glorious the last couple of weeks. I mean, Southern California is pretty much known to be regularly abundant in the vitamin D department, but there has been something especially sweet lately in those life-giving rays. This morning, after I took my shower, I was freezing (winter in LA often means it is toasty outside and cold inside), so I grabbed my cup of tea and went out to one of my favorite sun spots. I sighed in instant relief as the heat caressed my cold, wet skin and I watched how the light danced across my tea. I had a moment of deep gratitude for this incredible star that brings life to our planet without discrimination. I thought of my dear friend Christy's favorite Hafiz quote:
"The sun never says to the earth "You owe me"/Look what happens with a love like that/it lights up the whole sky."

That about sums up the intent of Leo, particularly the Leo full moon.
The Aquarius cycle, that we are in the midst of, is definitely universally oriented. Aquarius focuses deeply on maintaining a creative consciousness and finding union in all opposing thought. But Aquarius is an air sign, which is mental energy, and can be way more dedicated to the goal, rather than the journey. Aquarius is also known for being a little emotionally detached and is often baffled by the very human need to have "feelings" and individual experience.
Which is why Leo is companion to Aquarius in the zodiac and in the lunar cycle. Leo, fixed fire, is also passionate about bringing people together, but fire energy is spiritual energy, alchemy, and honors the desire in each of us to express ourselves as dramatically as necessary.

The symbol for Leo is the lion, but I like to think of her as akin to the sun, which is also the ruling body of the sign. The sun is constant, just like Leo is fixed; and while this celestial powerhouse shines equally on all of earth, our planet spins, therefore sunlight bounces around. This movement allows each of us to experience the light uniquely though our source is one and the same.

I think part of the reason my sunny spot felt so delicious this morning was because the expanding moon in the sky is waxing towards Leo, but I also sense it was an ancient comfort, a loving ancestor touching me reassuringly because I needed that support.

Aquarius is making a lot of changes. It is everywhere you look, the breaking down of old institutions that serve a "few" rather than "all." I have complete trust in the Aquarian shift, but it's a little scary for these human emotions of mine. I want to to stay in the place of detachment and continue to work for the highest good of all beings, but I have my own desires, my own dreams and my own fears. Yes, I want us all to be equal, in community and have all of life revered, but I also want to step out on my own, find my own light.. and support others as they do the same.

We should all be treated kindly, lovingly, but we are not cookie cutter beings. Each of us contains a divine light that needs to be felt on the skin of their fellows, to warm hearts and inspire further dreams. The Leo full moon understands that and says YES. Yes, we can be both individual and collective, yes, we can have all of our feelings and dramas and still be working towards the same future. Yes, we need to create changes, but if we want a future worth living, the transformation needs to come through the realization that the sun shines equally on all of us, but we each reflect it in a way that only we can.

This is the message of the Leo full moon, a full moon that falls just days after Imbolc, the holy day celebrating Mid-winter. Imbolc is a time of initiation, which means taking the first step into a new way of being. The new way of being I seek as Winter wanes, Spring draws near and the Leo full moon shines bright is a path of living in light. A light that is uniquely mine but also shines from the hearts of every other relation, light that fills me up and inspires me to be a better woman and create a better life. Light that is expansive, limitless, healing yet deeply precious.

Can you imagine a world without the sun? Neither can the moon, for it is the sun's light she reflects back to us. The Aquarius cycle asks for collective consciousness, to recognize our oneness. The Full moon in Leo supports this request, yet through her glow she reminds us that though we are given life from the same source, we should aspire to reflect it out in a way that increases its radiance, rather than diminishes, which is what happens when we compete with others, repress our luminosity or try to be the same as someone else.

This truly is a time of initiation. What new way of life are you ready to take the first step towards? Set that intention under Tuesday's fiery moon. And if you are unsure, ask her to show you the way. You will know if it is the right path, just follow the light.

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