Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Aries New Moon Sun 4/3

Playing with fire... if you are not careful, you can get burned.

After a full cycle of Pisces merging, blending, flowing, empathizing, imagining, dreaming... I kinda feel like I need to be wrung out. Lots of rain, tears, hot baths, and losing myself in books this month and old episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and it was needed. But it is time for some fire.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and in some ways, she is the culmination of all the energies from the year. Aries, on the other hand, is the youngest sign and is ready to go on her own. Cardinal (initiates) fire (transformation) guided by Mars, the God of war. This is a cycle for the inner warrioress to take action. All those dreams you were fishing around with last month, it is almost time to actually place the bait, take aim and get what you want, hook, line and sinker.

Spring is officially here and every other being in this hemisphere knows it is GO time.

Well, except for, as I mentioned in the full moon note, we are also now in Mercury retrograde (March 30th-April 23rd) which can put a little damper on some of those new ideas. It might also increase tempers and tensions as Mars does not like to be put in a holding pattern. I have an Aries moon and let me tell you, I want what I want NOW. It is almost painful for me to wait for something and I feel certain I have to do something immediately to seize my prize or I will lose it forever. But my sun is in Gemini, ruled by Mercury and there is a way to get these kids to play together nicely.

Awareness is always the first step and simply noticing that Aries fiery desire and Mercury retrograde's re-quest to re-lax and re-vise will slow things down.

The key this cycle is to find balance: between the watery results of the Pisces cycle and the demanding fire of Aries. Between the strong, powerful need to make change now and the re-minder to wait a little bit longer...
Aries is notorious for just waging battle, being young, strong and well, a ram. It will serve each of us, and what is sure to be an intense rest of the year (based on the energy of the last few months), if we can fan the flames a bit.

Sustainability is an important lesson our culture is having to learn right now and in some ways, Aries could represent our society: wants what it wants and wants it NOW. Perhaps having Mercury retrograde during the Spring Aries cycle will be exactly what we all need to be sure what we want is really what we want and that the timing is ideal.

How can you distract your warrioress from going right into to war? Can you enroll her in bootcamp for Spring training? Take a class for the job you want rather than going right for it? Start working with a mentor, sponsor, teacher to really create some concrete plans? 

It is important we utilize this time to light a fire under our bums, but experience has shown if you try too hard to take action and start new things during Mercury retrograde, things can be a little more challenging, deals have a way of falling through and emotions can be fickle... keep the focus on yourself and let the action be about getting you in the best shape (physically, mentally, emotionally & physically) to go after your dreams.

Seek the heat this month, but do it like an athlete preparing for the match of her life! Decide what you want, select it from the Piscean sea, shake it out, hang it over the fire to dry then focus on it with all of your being, run around it from every angle with the excitement of the youthful ram, light a candle in it's honor and meditate on it, train yourself, challenge yourself and then, when the time is right, you will go for it and you will get it.

I feel really confident that if we can use Aries energy in this way, not only will the victory be sweeter and the bliss deeper, but it will serve you longer, better and possibly even contribute to a world that really needs warrioresses like us; warrioresses who are not just thinking about ourselves or the win, but that honor the cycles, the signs and are willing to take their time and to be really sure of what they want and what they are willing to do to get it. 

Take some time to honor that new fire, and also the request of Mercury; and if you can't wait to take action, it is all good. Life is a schoolhouse and the cycles are our teachers, everything happens as it needs to and sometimes, we need those bumps and challenges. Honor your inner warrioress's wisdom and trust the flame will guide the way. 



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