Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pisces New Moon Friday 3/4

The weather today is perfect for Pisces... light rain and wind.. the dance of mutable water... the dissolution of consciousness, the transformation of flow. Pisces asks us to soak life in, to be permeable as a sponge and just as unattached. Fill up, take it in and then let it go again. After a month of revolutionary Aquarius changes, let's invoke the healing, dreaming, languid realm of Pisces. 
Happy new moon week!
I used to rebel against Pisces energy. I did not like the empathic nature of the fish, nor the dream-like sensitivity that seemed both fully present yet on a different realm of consciousness.
I learned, though, that I rebelled because it takes strength to stand in a Pisces flow, it requires the most open heart/open mind/open spirit to transform (mutable) flow/psyche (water) I mean, what a contradiction! How do I transform flow? Well, I don't, actually, no one does.
Pisces is conduit material. I like the sponge metaphor because it emphasizes the nature of this sign. The sponge fills completely in the flow, but it eventually always drains it out. It is hard to keep a sponge filled with something. and if you are a uh.. person who likes control.. like me.. you struggle with things that release so easily.
Pisces is another sign that the moon naturally resonates with, as she also teaches the sponge behavior: she fills every month and she empties every month. She does not stay the same for longer than a couple days. That can be scary in our world where fear is the root of almost everything, fear of losing what we have or not getting what we want.
Pisces doesn't have that problem. She completely absorbs & experiences whatever is around her and then lets it go so she can fill up again. The symbol for Pisces is the fish.. what is more in the flow than a fish? Have you ever watched a fish? I suggest finding one this month (maybe a good cycle for a trip to the aquarium?) and waching it for a while. It is quite informative.
On this new moon, the best day for setting goals and intentions, can we take a break from the "gung-ho/be the change" Aquarius attitude and allow this to be a month for soaking? Soaking in early spring rains and sunshine, basking in the filling and emptying of the Pisces moon cycle, watering that fertile space within where our intentions for 2011 have been planted. Welcome dreaminess, cat naps, sleeping in, hot baths, cool showers, empathy, feeling your feelings (and letting them flow) 
Pay close attention to dreams and emotions because you will experience heightened awareness and sensitivity both during sleep and waking times. This is always a great cycle to start a dream journal, even if it is only a word or two that can be recalled. Dream journal practice deepens the connection to our unconscious mind and intuition and those are both great allies to have as the year waxes and time starts to move faster.
Please take time for yourself to tune into the Pisces New Moon. Find a fish, record a dream, walk in the rain, meditate on ways you can transform the flow of your life by learning how to fill up, empty out and fill up again.

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