So Venus and Pluto walk into a bar...
Welcome to the Scorpio full moon phase~
I hope you have been enjoying the fruits of Venus since the new moon two weeks ago. The weather has been perfect here, and the blossoming of fruits and flowers has taken my breath away every time I leave the house. I have been hiking almost every day, a wonderful activity during the Taurus cycle, and just marveling at the gifts of Spring.
The full moon is the mid point of the cycle, where the moon becomes a mirror, reflecting back our actions and intentions thus far and giving us the chance to either celebrate our success or meditate on anything that is not working. The waning moon is then the opportunity for solidifying the steps or preparing to release the effort and clean the slate. This particular moon is in later degrees, which means it is more directed towards the completion of a cycle and really finishing the task you started.
What did you set intentions for this new moon? In the cycle of beauty, abundance, sensuality, prosperity, physical form and love, what did you say you wanted? What are you trying to manifest in your physical world? and does it conflict with your emotions, how you truly feel?
Scorpio is the most intense of all the signs, such depth and feeling, so much passion, intensity, perception. This is a sign that says exactly how it feels. Ruled by Pluto: death, sexuality, transformation and power and Taurus ruled by Venus: love, abundance, sensuality and home~ this is also a tango between these two powerhouses, can the Goddess of love have a relationship with the Lord of the underworld?
Venus does not bow to another's will easily. While her light side is all that is loving, thriving, sensual and beautiful, her dark side can be stubborn, greedy, manipulative and pouty. Pluto is also not one you want to mess around with as his specialty is breaking down form, cutting through the BS, transforming, destroying and taking power. At odds, this will surely be a painful battle, as fixed signs do not bend.
So Venus and Pluto walk into a bar. The rooms lights up and all heads turn as Venus makes her way to the dance floor. Pluto scowls as he pulls a stool up to the darkest part of the bar and orders a shot of whiskey... this night can go two ways. Option one is Venus continues to flirt, dance and receive all attention while Pluto quietly rages into his drink, until at some point, his last button will be pushed and violence will commence. There will be anger, a stinging battle waged and the bar possibly burned down. This is inevitably what happens when form and feelings do not mesh. (Maybe not always this extreme, but you get the metaphor, yes?)
OR Venus may choose to sip some wine or sparkling water while they share their favorite stories, and Pluto can occasionally enjoy the center of the dance floor with her by his side. They can alternate dancing and drinking, hanging out together and being alone or with others. This can be a night of transformation, exploration and much fun. Venus can shine, but not take all the light, allowing Pluto to be his smart, deep, alluring self and Pluto can relax, knowing he can be himself and enjoy Venus's beauty, without wanting to dampen it. It's about being honest and creating a supportive, sustainable relationship where feelings are focused and form takes healthy roots.
The choice, as always, is yours.
When earth is fixed, there is no yielding, when water is fixed, there is no flow. The challenge of this moon is to either align your feelings with your actions, actions started at the new moon, or possibly have to start letting go of some ideal with love, not with anger. Whatever you choose to do to honor this full moon, let it reflect the light of both Venus and Pluto... something grounding, beautiful but also powerful and true to your very core. Pluto will not tolerate lies or faking and Venus is the queen of putting on the pretty mask. Next month moves us into 3 eclipses so this is a great opportunity to use the fixed energy to make decisions, explore your level of acceptance, firmly ground yourself on the path chosen and have fun.
Water and earth are the elements to honor here, and if you do find there is some conflict between them, bring in fire or air to shake them up a bit. I plan to keep up with my daily hikes (earth) and spend Monday night at my favorite korean spa (water).
No matter what you do, take time under the full moon light to check in with body and emotions. Do something that makes you feel beautiful and from that safe space, with the moon's glow shining down, get really honest. Are your heart and body moving towards the same goals? Are your actions matching your emotions and vice versa? Ask Venus and Pluto for their guidance and dream with the moon to hear your answers.
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