Taurus New Moon/Solar Eclipse~ Invoking the Earth Goddess
"We ask for the presence of the spirit of Gaia and pray that the breath of life continues to caress this planet home.
"May we grow into true understanding — a deep understanding that inspires us to protect the tree on which we bloom, and the water, soil, and atmosphere without which we have no existence.
"May we turn inward and stumble upon our true roots in the intertwining biology of this exquisite planet. May nourishment and power pulse through these roots, and fierce determination to continue the billion-year dance.
"May love well up and burst forth from our hearts.
"May there be a new dispensation of pure and powerful consciousness and the charter to witness and facilitate the healing of the tattered biosphere.
"We ask for the presence of the spirit of Gaia to be with us here. To reveal to us all that we need to see, for our own highest good and for the highest good of all.
"We call upon the spirit of evolution, the miraculous force that inspires rocks and dust to weave themselves into biology. You have stood by us for millions and billions of years — do not forsake us now. Empower us and awaken in us pure and dazzling creativity. You that can turn scales into feathers, seawater to blood, caterpillars to butterflies — metamorphose our species, awaken in us the powers that we need to survive the present crisis and evolve into more eons of our solar journey.,br>
"Awaken in us a sense of who we truly are: tiny ephemeral blossoms on the Tree of Life. Make the purpose and destiny of that tree our own purpose and destiny.
"Fill each of us with love for our true Self, which includes all of the creatures and plants and landscapes of the world. Fill us with a powerful urge for the well-being and continual unfolding of this Self.
"May we speak in all human councils on behalf of the animals and plants and landscapes of the Earth.
"May we shine with a pure inner passion that will spread rapidly through these leaden times.
"May we all awaken to our true and only nature — none other than the nature of Gaia, this living planet Earth.
"We call upon the power that sustains the planets in their orbits, that wheels our Milky Way in its 200-million-year spiral, to imbue our personalities and our relationships with harmony, endurance, and joy. Fill us with a sense of immense time so that our brief, flickering lives may truly reflect the work of vast ages past and also the million of years of evolution whose potential lies in our trembling hands.
"O stars, lend us your burning passion.
"O silence, give weight to our voice.
"We ask for the presence of the spirit of Gaia."
(Invocation by John Seed)
I have been quoting a lot more in these musings lately, and I think it is partly because I am back in school and in the role of the student, one of my favorites, as I am constantly having my mind blown with new info I want to share. I also think that being in school, working, baby, life, etc have made it so I need to fill up more. I don't have as much to give, so I need help, help to inspire me, guide me, teach me and support me in this time of transition and transformation.
The last few weeks have been intense. But we knew that. As I write this, we are moving into the cardinal cross alignment, right between the lunar and solar eclipses, the full and new moon. The energy is waning, time for release and surrender is here. Everyone I know is feeling these shifts in different ways but we are all, human, plant, animal, we are all feeling it. Additionally, this past weekend was Easter, a celebration of rebirth, and we also have Earth day (4/22), a celebration to bring awareness and change to the environment. Release, surrender, rebirth, awareness, change. Powerful words. Too powerful to experience alone.
That brings me to the above opening invocation and the upcoming new moon and solar eclipse in Taurus.
Taurus is the sign most closely associated with the earth Goddess, also called "Gaia."She is ruled by Venus, but her energies of intent are fixed earth, or maintaining the physical realm. Taurus connects us to the slow, deep, sensual powers of the cycle, and it makes sense as she firmly holds the mid point of Spring on the celestial wheel. Taurus time brings us the most fecund, juicy, sweet and playful part of the season, as we see in the cross-quarter day of Beltane (May 1st, 2 days after the new moon)
As we are reborn from the universal womb into the new cycle, we emerge into the loving, magical hands of the Goddess. Gaia is alive and ready to greet us with beauty and joy after our long journey through the eclipse vortex. But unlike the traditional helpless infant who can only take from his mother, a relationship we have been engaged in for too long, the hope is that, after this huge transition, we can take care of her, just as she takes care of us. We can give to her, as she gives to us. We can love her, as she loves us. We can sustain life on her and she can sustain life in us.
The vision I hold for this new moon, accentuated as it is by the eclipse, is a delicious new relationship with self, other and planet. I hope this past month has opened our minds, hearts and eyes and we can find gratitude for all of our life. We can be grateful and reverent in this gift. As we celebrate mid-spring, the feminine and the Taurus cycle, we do it with reciprocity and consciousness. Taurus loves to be in the body and we often feel lustful and sensual in her light, but perhaps rather than a selfish lust, we bring it to nature. Long walks with bare feet, planting seeds in a sacred way, dancing or making love on the earth, as was a traditional Beltane rite. We celebrate her and she celebrates us through the blossoming happening all around us.
And, don't forget, during this month we honor Mother's Day (May 11)! What can you offer to the great mother of us all?
Take care of yourself, but do it in a healthy way. Get to the farmer's market and buy local, fresh foods to enjoy and share, Go for a hike and thank the trees, or plant one! Buy yourself a new outfit or goodies made from a local, sustainable company, give your home and yard a makeover with green and eco options! We can be sensual and sensible. If we bring Gaia into our comforts, into our hearts, she responds a hundred fold.
"Awaken in us a sense of who we truly are: tiny ephemeral blossoms on the Tree of Life. Make the purpose and destiny of that tree our own purpose and destiny."
I love John Seed's invocation. I encourage you to read it out loud as you pray, meditate, walk in nature or participate in any Beltane rituals. It is a sweet way to connect and set strong intent for this cycle. I also encourage you to get out, onto the earth and just as we need to ask for help from those around us when we lack inspiration or support, Gaia needs us. We need each other. Offer yourself to her in whatever way you see fit, and receive her in the same way. The time is now, in the height of light and life, to show our gratitude and re-connect to our deepest roots and to Gaia.
I wish you all a magical and blessed new moon, a sacred and sensual Beltane and may the highest magic of mid-spring, renewal, fertility and joy be with us all, and with the earth.
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