Sunday, December 18, 2011

Capricorn New Moon~ Building the Foundation

Capricorn New Moon~ Building the Foundation

I am greeting the last week of the Sagittarius cycle with an irritating cold. It seems appropriate, really, as I spent the majority of the cycle that favors expansion and freedom feeling contraction and limitation. Much of this was due to the intensity of lunar and solar eclipses as well as the added lessons of Mercury retrograding in the same signs. As an astrologer I read yesterday said, we were so busy dealing with these alternate energies that we could not put our complete focus into the intention of the cycle.

But I trust there are no mistakes in the cosmic space. As often as I cannot possibly fathom why things happen, I always have to come back to a truth I feel in my gut. That truth is we are finite. Finite, human, fragile and almost incapable of grasping the enormity of the universe. Sagittarius is one of the signs that tries to raise our awareness, get us thinking bigger and brighter, but even the fires of spirit can only blaze so high in these little human bodies. We cannot ever comprehend the infinite possibilities and size of the universe.

Heaven knows we try! This month with so much powerful mental and spiritual energy we were trying, trying desperately to inspire transformations... and since the eclipses are felt for at least 6 months, some of those changes will come to fruition in 2012. But now it is time to turn our attention back to our humanness, to welcome the winter season by invoking the Capricorn cycle and getting back to work in the limitations of the physical realm.

Capricorn is cardinal earth. Cardinal energy is the initiator and earth energy is focused on form: body, home, work, family, manifestation. Last month we were completely caught in the adapting, changing, transforming, mutable energies of spirit and mind. Perhaps you felt like your head might explode or that your body just can't handle all the shifts moving through the ethers. That is the reason I love astrology, just when I can't bear another "spiritual experience", the most stabilizing force on the planet claims the moon light.

I grow to appreciate Capricorn more and more as the years go by. When I was younger, I felt simply bewildered by this sign's focus on the material. Creating structure, routine, schedule and building the most effective foundations on which most anything will thrive successfully. Capricorn is the mountain goat, who sees a huge winding mountain and without a thought, ignores the longer, easier side trail and climbs right up the middle to the top. This sign initiates physical manifestation and generally thrives in any terrain you put in front of her. She accepts the challenge, works hard, knows how to manage her time and is generally victorious in her endeavors.

Part of her confidence is that she understands the restrictions of earth. It might seem miraculous that she can climb that mountain, but her ability to discern where she can step is what makes that climb possible, rather than just a blind faith that she will make it. It is the experience of putting one foot in front of the other, taking a single step at a time and really comprehending the weight and ability of the form that enables her success. If you know many mountain climbers, they will tell you it takes incredible strength, knowledge and practice to scale a summit.

I need that initiative right now. My spirit and mind worked overtime last month and it is the body that feels the effect. The body is the vessel in which spirit, emotions and thought survive. If the vessel is weak, it is hard to rise to the tasks suggested by the other energies.

I can just see Capricorn standing in my doorway this weekend, eyeing me with her cool gaze that can immediately assess that I haven't changed my clothes in 2 days, washed my hair or even shaved my legs in a few weeks. My nails are bitten to nothing and I have been been pretty much ignoring my physical appearance. Laundry needs to be done and the house overall needs some attention. She steps forward, dressed stylishly, but conservatively, not a hair out of place. Jewelry placed and matched perfectly, seemingly effortlessly, as few know how hard she actually works.

I hear her voice, grounded and confident, as she hands me a cup of strong herbal tea and says "You can do this for another day or two. I know you have been struggling. But we have a busy week and you need to show up for it. Another day, and then it is action time. Clean the house, clean yourself. Take pride in your appearance and get back to work. Winter solstice is this week and while I won't begrudge you some time alone in the dark, if you want that light to return, you need to give it a form worth coming back to."

I groan and roll over, pulling the pillow back over my head, welcoming the darkness. She doesn't get angry, she sits beside me, strokes my hand. Her own hand is firm and strong, but still well manicured and soft. "I will stay with you. I will help you. I can pick out your clothes, do your make-up and organize your schedule. This is a big year and winter is the most important season for setting the foundation. I need you to climb these mountains with me and continue to work towards your dreams. This is my time, though all time is my time, and I can show you how to use your time efficiently and powerfully. Just ask for my help, and I am here, I will show you the middle path and together we can manifest anything."

Now I sigh, but I look into her eyes, grey and wise like the tops of ancient mountains. She is the mother of time, ruled by Saturn, one of bigger outer planets that demands we walk the right path and is associated with taking responsibility and the limits of time and matter. She knows the restrictions, but in that knowledge, she also knows exactly how to help us grow within our own boundaries. I understand that this is the year I need her most. I smile wearily and say "Okay. I am with you. I want your help. Please stay with me."

She smiles back, her hand now at my forehead, "I will stay. Now you can go back to sleep and I will be waiting for you to start our work."

Take time to honor the darkness, celebrate the solstice. Rest as much as you need to, but set a limit. The solstice is Wednesday and the new moon is Saturday (which also falls on Christmas eve) The holidays alone can distract us and keep us lethargic. We are gathering on Monday to set intentions, but even if you cannot join, us, perhaps Monday will be a good day for you to start welcoming the Capricorn tasks. Start by cleaning up the vessel, looking the part of the life you want to create. Start to consider your foundation of 2012, what kind of year you want. Get your new calendars, datebooks and start organizing your schedule. Meditate on the mountain top and ask Capricorn to guide you in initiating the foundation. Remember that Capricorn is a realistic task-master and if it feels she is not supporting you in one endeavor, perhaps she is trying to put your focus elsewhere. Welcome her wisdom, her experience and trust that she knows how you need to grow.

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