Solar Eclipse + Mutable Air + Mutable Fire + Total Eclipse=
Marshmallows, anyone?
Sagittarius is Mutable fire, the transformation of spirit, symbolized as the mythological centaur, recognized as the gypsy and equated to a wild bonfire around which we tell our tall tales and fantastic stories.
I am very interested in the relationship between the elements and the moon, and recently, the earth has been manifesting the lunar cycles as they start... the floods trumpeted the Scorpio full moon, tornadoes blew in Gemini new moon and a volcano ushers in the full moon/total lunar eclipse of Sagittarius. Now, there is no legitimate proof that these things are related, but to ME, they have felt connected. If anyone understands that kind of far-reaching thinking, it would be Sagittarius.
The dance here is of the last call variety, right before the club closes. The partners are your mind, which is probably still racing from the Gemini new moon/solar eclipse, and your spirit, which may feel like it has either gotten too big for your body or you can't find it at all. It is a fast dance, not a slow one and neither party can touch, yet they must somehow come together....
Argh! It's impossible, it's too hot and sweaty in here, I can't catch my breath, it's too loud and I don't want to dance with you anyway, you smelly horse man! I just want to go home and get away from all these people, all these possibilties and everything that has brought me to this point... just. leave. me. alooooonnneee!!!
(Anyone else kind of feel like that? Just me?
Here is the thing, an eclipse HEIGHTENS everything, and the lunar eclipse specifically heightens emotions. This moon/eclipse is in a later degree, which means it is time to let go of the old feelings, hang-ups, resentments, fears, thoughts and pretty much everything else plaguing mind or spirit.)
I threw a tantrum on the dance floor and ran dramatically out into the parking lot. The big full moon is staring down at me, illuminating my pain, embarassment and all the other stuff I don't want to look at. I glare back at her as the Centaur saunters up to me. He laughs a full belly laugh and says "That was pretty impressive back there." I ignore him and turn away. Suddenly he scoops me up, and starts galloping off into the night. "Hey!" I cry indignantly, "You are not supposed to touch me!" He chuckles again "I pretty much do whatever I want, sweetheart, I am always changing." His whole body emanates heat and I add to it, fuming silently as he takes me further into the full moon night.
We stop suddenly in an alley where some homeless men have created a small fire in a battered grill. "Uh, excuse me?" I start to complain when he cuts me off. "Sorry, boys, can we use your spot for a few?" No one argues with a centaur and the men wander away. "Take me back." I demand. "Give it up." he responds. "Give it up, and give it to the fire. Everything you are so angry about, everything you are afraid of, give it away so I can have my dance with you."
I refuse and stare into the fire. Give it up? All of it? Where would I be without my old fears and head games, my control issues and old tapes? "You will be free." he answers softly. I stop resisting and start to empty out my pockets, my purse, my shoes. I offer to the weak fire all that has been living rent free in my head for so long. The fire grows higher, hungrier, accepting every old thought willingly.
Suddenly I feel light, so light, like I had no idea how much these things were weighing me down. I look at him in disbelief. He laughs that horsey laugh and I begin to hear the sound of drums, then a flute. He starts to circle me and now I laugh, because I am ready to dance this dance of mind and spirit. I am ready to move like magnets, without touching physically, but in perfect harmony. The eclipse has begun.
I don't actually expect anyone to run off with a centaur Wednesday night (though that would be cool.) I would recommend taking time to let your mind and spirit work things out; perhaps through some silent meditation followed by prayer and a burning ceremony. Burning ceremony is where you write down all the things you are ready to release and then consciously and ceremoniously feed them to the flames. You can also burn old items but please do it safely and consciously. It is nice if you can do all of this under the full moon. I often just light a candle in a bowl, feed my paper to the candle and let it burn out in the bowl.
But as usual, even if you just glance at the moon for a moment and light a candle before bed, take some time to honor this lunation, because it does affect all of us. I may be bold in trying to connect lunations with floods and volcanos, but there are powerful changes afoot and the more we are aware of them and the more we honor them, the better able we are going to be at transforming physically and spiritually.
In the waning cycle between this full moon/eclipse and the next new moon/eclipse, I would like to recommend two special events: the first is my Summer Solstice Celebration at Yoga Blend, Tuesday June 21st. I always love holding these workshops and have some special things planned for this one in particular due to all the eclipses. The weekend after solstice, Saturday June 25th & 26th, we are so honored to host my teacher and one of the women responsible for bringing female shamanism into our culture, author, teacher, healer and yogini, Vicki Noble, at Yoga Blend! She will be sharing her powerful Dakini practice, which combines Shamanism, Buddhism and Goddess roots in a simple yet profound teaching and ritual. You can come for just Saturday night or Sunday afternoon but I highly recommend both! More info for both events can be found at
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