I don't think I have ever been more pleased to see Capricorn. Wow, that is a statement you do not often hear coming from a Gemini, and while it is true that I have had more challenges with the Capricorns of my life (from childhood to present) than any other sign, I have also experienced some of the deepest connections.
As I mentioned at the Capricorn new moon last winter, this sign is symbolized by the Mountain Goat. I had the opportunity to watch those guys at the living desert in Palm Springs and they are remarkable creatures. They are so firmly rooted to the earth that they move up, down and around the rockiest terrain with ease. Capricorn is Cardinal (initiate) earth (form) and it is the most intense of the earth signs, which I think, is much needed after the crazy eclipse cycle.
Think about it, this is the first major lunation in 6 weeks that hasn't had an eclipse attached to it; but it is in one of the most challenging but beneficial signs for manifestation. The eclipse cycle was focused in Air (Gemini) Fire (Sagittarius) and water (Cancer) so we desperately need earth right now, and we need an earth energy that will bring us back to our roots and firmly on our path.
I don't know how the eclipses affected each of you, or how this current Cancer cycle has been flowing, I know for me it has been really intense. I have had all kinds of old patterns, thoughts and fears coming up, I have had to look at my primary relationships and honestly inventory them and I feel almost at a cross roads emotionally. But it also has been amazing, I have been a part of powerful rituals, circles, new connections, old connections and wonderful opportunities have been presenting themselves. It is overwhelming, to say the least, like a big ocean wave, which is appropriate for the Cancer month.
My intention for this full moon, as the full moon is our best time for reflection, illumination and celebration, is to get up a mountain. There are plenty of full moon hikes this time of year (Treepeople, Stough Canyon Nature Center, Griffith Park) or you can make your own.
Embody the mountain goat and get your feet moving on the earth, climb up to a place where you can soak up the full moon and with your feet planted, let the waves of emotion from the new moon wash over you, offer it to the earth, focus your mind firmly on what you really want, in the midst of all the stuff arising, see it, sense it, like that vital next step up the hill, and then give in to the beauty of challenge, accomplishment, be grateful for the climb, the opportunities and the clarity we are receiving. We need each element equally, and now is the time to honor the earth, not the sensual, steady Taurus earth, or the mutable Virgo earth, but the hard, rocky, unyielding Capricorn earth. It is only through this connection that we can gather the strength to move forward, to continue cleansing, releasing and transforming.
Here is a poem from this year's We'Moon by Rosemary Wyman that I found fitting:
Sometimes I need to feel like I can move mountains and
I'll grab something heavy to heave, shove or pull.
I wanna prove I'm strong-like I wanna prove I'm useful like
you know, to carry one grain of sand from
here to there, and then another, and then another
it aint gonna ever satisfy me like- it caint never ring my bell like
it sure as hell won't float my boat
You see these boulders? You see these troubled lives?
Sometimes the futile feel of the slip-slop endless process of
my immoderate unenlightened life totally terrifies me like
when I encounter a mountain and know the thing needs moving and
can feel my hands are tied and can see the money's almost gone then
I despair- that my wee pea-size intelligence is inadequate after all.
The ensuing squirm is pure pathetic like
a loud fly stuck-dance angry in a spider's wiggling web
but sometimes when I smack into a mountain
I can re-member myself in time
and I can get out of my own way long enough and
I can plant my flat feet firmly on the floor and
I can put my freakin' hands together and
I can set my blazing beating heart behind them.
Then my belief begins to MOVE my mountains.
For this full moon, think earth, think mountain, think honoring challenges with love and gratitude, think asking that Mountain goat to guide you through the rest of this cycle.
Our next new moon gathering will be in Leo on Saturday July 30th hosted by Sascha; and the following month, our Virgo new moon will set the stage for our first ever MOON CAMP! We will be having a camp-out in Ojai from Saturday afternoon August 26th to Sunday morning August 27th~ I am so excited and will send a special email out soon with more information; but if you know you are interested in coming, go ahead and email me so I can start getting a sense of how many ladies to expect.
Also, I am teaching the next Sacred Female Flow workshop, which honors the full moon and seasonal celebration of midsummer, on Friday August 12th 8:30-10:30pm at Yoga Blend. The last one was so fun and magical and I am looking forward to the power we will create this time.
Have a healing and grounding full moon!