Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New Moon in Aquarius/Imbolc/Chinese New Year Wed 2/2

The moon in Aquarius is a call for community, perception, deep intuition and biggest picture thinking. The fixed (maintain) air (consciousness/creative energy) is a potent balance of harnessing our group thoughts, creativity, dreams and focusing and holding it until it expands into something more than we can possibly imagine.
The last full moon pulled the bandage off old wounds and poured salt water into them. It hurts like hell but the healing can be quick now if we stay receptive and willing to endure. This waning cycle has been all about endurance. Many people are struggling to hold on and keep going. There is a feeling of sadness, intense emotion and a little bit of craziness but it will pass. Breathe into the sting of the salt, the ocean water that is symbolic of that last Cancer full moon, and we can now allow the strong wind of Aquarius to blow through and take away the intensity: the new moon is here.
We are again free of eclipses this new moon, we do have the added energy of the Chinese new year (year of the rabbit: purity, nurturing, peace, calm, rest, so needed after Tiger last year and Dragon in 2012!) and of a cross-quarter holiday. Most of you are aware of the equinoxes and solstices, but in the middle of those big shifts are the cross-quarter days which represent the mid points of each cycle. February 2nd is Imbolc, also know as Candlemas and I like to consider it the very first stirrings of Spring, though some see it as mid-winter.
Imbolc was also the day of purification, prophecy and initiation for the new priestesses in the Goddess traditions. The word Imbolc has to do with year's first milking of the ewes and symbolized re-birth. The celebration was dedicated to the Celtic goddess Brigid, who was such a powerful goddess that when the Christians took over Celtic lands, they made her into a Saint because the people would not renounce her and Imbolc became Candlemas, day of lighting the sacred flame.  She is the goddess of healing, inspiration, poetry, creativity and smith craft. Brigid is also known as Bride and it is her that women invoke before marriage as she is symbolic of the maiden, stepping into her power and beauty.
I was so happy when I realized Imbolc fell on this new moon. Aquarius is nothing if not set on bringing community together for the greater good and opening our eyes to the union with all the universe. I am getting married in April and I knew what I wanted more than anything was to bring together our beautiful circle of women on this special new moon to invoke this powerful Goddess, celebrate the new cycle and share a group bridal ritual.
My dear friend, teacher, sister, yogini, priestess and new mama Christy offered to host the gathering and facilitate the ritual and I am so unbelievably grateful and excited. We will be gathering at her home:
Wednesday February 2nd 7-10pm
Email for address~
There are details to the ritual that I am not aware of, so you can email her if you would like. What I do know is that, as usual, no boys or booze but we will be sharing potluck.
I would like to request for both food and dress this evening that we try to stick primarily to the colors of red and white. These are the colors that represent Brigid and the shifting of the seasons as well as a woman's movement from maiden to wife.
If you have never been to a gathering, generally the first hour is eating/talking and the circle starts at 8pm and there is not any issue with people coming in late and leaving early. We are still very flexible with arrival and departure, but if you want to enjoy the full celebration, please arrive no later than 7:45pm and plan to stay until 10pm.
Also, if you can RSVP to Christy or me just so we know how many to expect, that would be lovely but is not required.
If you cannot make the gathering, please take time to honor this sweet new moon and holiday. It is a new year with new energy and intention. What big dreams have you let go of that you can call back in? Do you feel stuck? This is a profound time for purification on all levels: your body, mind, home, sacred tools, relationships, car, pretty much everything. Wear red or white on February 2nd and take time to light a candle under the new moon. Watch the flame dance in the breeze and set your intentions for this cycle.
Call in the Goddess, welcome the spirit of the Rabbit and open yourself to the expansiveness of Aquarius. We are all in this together and even though we each have our own stuff happening, we are connected. That is the message of Aquarius and when we each bring our creativity to the circle and let go of the separateness we feel, that energy becomes so big it can change the world.
I am honored to be the "bride" in the upcoming ritual, but who among us in not stepping into a new relationship with a new year? Which of you is not setting new dreams and goals and wanting to find union with it? This is the Aquarius moon and that means the night is about all of us, coming together, honoring, celebration, releasing and preparing for all of the "marriages" this year will hold.
If you are interested, I am also guiding a pre-Imbolc women's circle at Spirit Works in Burbank on Sunday January 30th from 1-4pm. Two of my dear friends have created a wonderful spiritual space there and we are taking advantage of this powerful week to deepen the connection, share circle and sacred practices. Please email me for more information.
Whatever you choose to do, honor this new moon in the way that feels best. Call in Brigid, call in the tribal spirit of Aquarius, celebrate the new year and remember that we are in this together. No matter where you are or what is going on in your life, our circle is open and there is a place for you, with all of your creativity and dreams, right in the middle of it.
Sweet Imbolc & New Moon blessings for you all~

Monday, January 17, 2011

new year, new website, new special, same sacred space

Hello my lovely goddess friends~

I hope all of your new year's are starting beautifully. Thank you all so much for the love and support you showed me last year as I was completing my Shamanic apprenticeship.

I am excited with the possibilties this year is bringing and I am also thrilled to introduce my new website that focuses specifically on the shamanic, yogic and female practices I am so passionate about. Thanks for checking it out and if you are so inclined, share it with other like-minded friends. 

For 2011, I would like to offer 50% off any of my pratices for referring another woman.

I have listed the shamanic tools I work with as well as posting the gatherings, workshops and other fun stuff I am doing. I also have a new blog and of course, my Yoga Blend schedule is listed.

Please email me with any questions, concerns or if you want to schedule a session of any kind.

Again, thank you for being some of the beautiful lights in my life and I hope to share sacred space with you very soon!



Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cancer Full Moon Wed 1/19

"After the long climb up the mountain of the last new moon, this is the perfect time to soak tired muscles and a weary mind in a hot bath. Cancer is cardinal water, the great mother energy who says stop worrying about those plans and get some rest. Always listen to mama and let this full moon nurture you completely."

Oh my, we are so in need of this full moon! No eclipses or solstices here, just the luminous beauty of Grandmother moon. I never cease to be amazed at the brilliant dance of the signs. Yogic philosophy says that we live in a dualistic world. Part of the joy of being human is finding the balance and union between two seeming opposites. This is the same law that rules astrology. The cardinal earth energy of Capricorn, the determination and tireless strategy of the mountain goat, lives directly across from cardinal water Cancer, the Crab, who is much happier to stay in her home than to traipse across mountain tops. That sounds about perfect to me. 

The intent of cardinal energy is to initiate and the intent of water is to flow so on this full moon we are asked to do something that initiates the flow in our lives. Taking a hot bath or soaking in a hot spring or mineral spring is nice, or even a trip to the spa ( is my favorite) but more than just physically being in water, how can you allow this full moon to inspire more flow in your life? Have you gotten stuck in the very focused discipline of Capricorn that doesn't have much room for fluidity?

Often we get so exhausted during the Capricorn cycle. It correlates to the new year and all the intentions and goals we make. We hit the ground running and we run hard and then the usual cycle is that we now find ourselves at the foot of a particularly steep hill (did anyone else experience that last week? The first quarter moon is always the challenger of the cycle which tests our will and the first quarter moon last week was in Aries, sign of the ram. So if you felt like you were being head-butted, that was why) and we give up. Enter mama Cancer.

Cancer is known for her nurturing tendencies, her protective instincts, her soothing, healing heart and her ability to lull us back to our comfort zone. Cancer is ruled by the moon which makes this full moon one of the sweetest because the moon herself is home.

This may be a good week to spend time at your home, doing things that bring you comfort and make you feel loved.  Soak up the moonlight as much as you can and ask for guidance, make a wish and watch for signs of how you can move more fully into the flow of life.

This is a powerful moon for prophetic dreams, especially if you couple some water play along with moon gazing. Also, use your bath water or even just a cup of water for some old fashioned scrying. Close your eyes and ask a question and then gaze into the liquid for a response.

Or make moon water! Put some purified water in an open jug, glass or canteen and let it sit overnight under the full moon and then take sips every day for the rest of the cycle to keep you nurtured through the rest of the Capricorn cycle.

Whatever you choose to do, please take time to honor the full moon. She fills us up just by looking at her and this year is just getting started! We can't allow ourselves to get depleted yet and that is why mama Cancer is here.

Have a wonderful full moon week!