Friday, December 31, 2010

January Lunar Cycle Summary

The new moon is a time of new beginnings and setting intentions. The full moon is when we check in with our progress, shine and look for illumination in the moon light. Email Bekah for monthly New Moon Women's Gathering info.

New Moon in Capricorn Tues January 4th & partial solar eclipse~ Go climb a mountain on this new moon. Literally. Cardinal earth energy is about initiating the physical change you want to see in the year to come. Feel your feet on the earth and the effort of climbing to a goal. Time for structure, planning, organizing and getting a good pair of hiking shoes.

Full Moon in Cancer Weds January 19th~ After the long climb up the mountain on the new moon, this is the perfect time to soak tired muscles and a weary mind in a hot bath. Cancer is cardinal water, the great mama energy who says stop worrying about those plans and get some rest. Always listen to mama and let this full moon nurture you completely.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New beginnings

New Year.
New Website.
New Moon.
I love this time of year. The light slowly returning and the possibilities beginning to emerge. There is still a bit of work before the bloom of spring, and it is hard work. But it is good work. Dreaming, writing, reading, praying, planting, chanting, playing, sharing and starting to take the steps necessary to make the winter daydreams into something you can smell.touch.taste.hear.see in the spring.
There is an awkwardness to this time of year. How do I manage this new website? How am I going to make this change? How can I keep this resolution?
It is the "clunky" kinda wet, cold and mushy phase but nothing else is as raw, potent, palpable or fertile.
I love new beginnings.
Mostly because I have a lot of endings behind me now and I have more faith that the beginning always returns. I have learned that looking at the moon and watching the movement of nature. I trust the darkness and death is temporary and will only give way to more light and life. It takes practice. and faith. and courage. You cannot have one without the other.
So I enjoy the last hours of 2010. The last days of this lunar cycle. The last weeks of this season. I look forward to the new and I honor the old.
The cycle just gets richer and more powerful every time.
I am so grateful for all the new beginnings I see before me. and I am thankful for what I am leaving behind in this old cycle.
Happy New Year. May it bring more love, light and sweetness to the world.